Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Loan for COVID-19 by the Philippines and the World Bank

Despite warning from IBON foundation, a non-profit research, education and information-development institution based in the Philippines, the Philippine government still loaned $500-million or P25.2-billion...

An Australian Woman is Suing a Psychiatrist for “Failed” Gender Transitioning

A psychiatrist named Dr. Patrick Toohey is being sued by Jay Langadinos for professional negligence for administering her masculinizing drugs in May 2010, when...

European Energy Crisis Closed Down Businesses

Russian gas supplies toward Europe won't be returning anytime soon, as Gazprom just announced that it had completely halted transport of gas to Nord...

Corporate Profits Reached $2 Trillion amidst Inflation that Causes Global Economic Crisis

According to federal data released on August 25, nonfinancial company earnings in the United States increased to an all-time high of $2 trillion in...

The Marketing of Dangerous Drugs and Vaccines

There are many reasons why big pharma companies are very effective in the marketing of their drugs even though most of these substances haven’t...

Water Grabbing: The Truth about the World’s Water Supply

Hidden behind the façade of health crisis and other current issues is the great water grabbing by the world’s richest families and entities. These...

Rich Corporations and Politicians as Major Gaslighters

Pathologically dominant corporations and rich businesses are so successful in today’s society; people who’s drive is to vanquish others to gain control over resources...

The Truth about Multi-level Marketing and Pyramid Schemes

According to two different academic studies, “99% of all Multi-level Marketing (MLM) distributors will lose money by participating and 84% of all profits get...

Candace Owens Sues “Facebook Fact-Checkers” for Censoring Her Post Related to the COVID-19 Scam

It is indeed true that only information that they agree with about COVID-19 is acceptable to Facebook. This has been very obvious to many...

The Malampaya Gas Field Controversy

A Twitter post by a user named Mary has spread on social media exposing some information regarding the controversial Malampaya gas field exploration issue...

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