Home Health Countries that Require Multiple Vaccinations Have Higher Childhood Mortality Rates; According to...

Countries that Require Multiple Vaccinations Have Higher Childhood Mortality Rates; According to a Recent Follow-up Study

Doctor in rubber gloves wiping injection site on arm of little girl before vaccinate her for coronavirus

Last July, a scientific study conducted by authors Neil Z. Miller, a medical researcher and director at the Institute of Medical and Scientific Inquiry, and Gary S. Goldman, an independent computer scientist, reaffirmed that nations that administer multiple vaccinations have higher mortality rates of neonatal, infant, and children under five years old.


The peer-reviewed study, titled “Neonatal, Infant, and Under Age Five Vaccine Doses Routinely Given in Developed Nations and Their Association with Mortality Rates”, was published in Cureus Journal of Medical Science last month. Its data suggests that “when developed nations require two versus zero neonatal vaccine doses, or many versus fewer vaccines during infancy, there may be unintended consequences that increase all-cause mortality.”

The study was clear, the higher the vaccine doses are given to children, the higher the mortality rate appears to be. This was concluded after the authors applied standard statistical analyses to the records, which were based on the data taken from 2019 and 2021. Countries were categorized by the number of neonatal vaccines required while data about mortality and vaccine schedules were taken from the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, and national government records. According to the author’s conclusion:

“There are statistically significant positive correlations between mortality rates of developed nations and the number of early childhood vaccine doses that are routinely given.”

Miller also added that doctors and medical examiners are usually obliged to misclassify and even cover deaths from vaccines using other false causes because there is no system that classifies death related to the vaccination of children. The method only relies on “all-cause mortality” instead of “vaccine-induced injury”, according to the authors, therefore often leads to different causes other than the administration of vaccines. According to Miller:

“Premature birth and low birth weight are common causes of neonatal death, but since vaccines are administered within 24 hours of birth, when these factors are most relevant, it is possible that some of these deaths were precipitated by birth-dose vaccines.”

The July paper was a follow-up to the study published by the authors in February of this year, in which some critics tried to discredit their data. According to the authors in the February study, they examine various claims postulated by the critics and the “validity of their scientific methods” while also conducting several investigations to “assess the reliability of our original findings”.

Meanwhile, also last month, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published a study that shows that “13% of children have 2 or more allergy-related conditions”. This problem was linked by some experts to aluminum adjuvants and food proteins included in the vaccines. In this study, known as “the largest study of its kind”, researchers from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) analyzed the data of more than 200,000 children, ages 0 to 18, collected between 1999 and 2020, using the electronic health record (EHR). According to a report by The Defender: 

“The study found that children, on average, tended to be first diagnosed with eczema at 4 months old, then food allergies and asthma around 13 months, allergic rhinitis — or hay fever — at 26 months, and a rare food allergy called eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) at 35 months.”

These discoveries prove that health institutions of many nations are not really sincere when it comes to the health impact assessment related to childhood immunization. Looking at these studies, it’s clear that health experts are either trying to ignore or do not really care about the results of their vaccination program. Therefore, all of us who are aware of these problems need to help people like Miller by doing whatever possible ways to reach the right people in the government. As the authors appealed in their latest study: 

“Vaccine policymakers have an obligation to determine the full impact of their current vaccination schedules on deaths from any cause. More safety research is needed on the number of childhood vaccines that are administered concurrently, cumulatively, and the sequence in which they are given, to confirm they are providing the intended effects on child survival.”



