Saturday, July 27, 2024

What are the Benefits of Gardening?

Sense of Control and Responsibility As human beings, we all love to plan our schedules or to put everything around us in order. Psychologically speaking,...

Quotes from Dr. Kary Mullis Regarding the Baseless HIV-AIDS Hypothesis

Much like of the current orgiastic hysteria and institutional fiasco related to the COVID19, the HIV-causes-AIDS hypothesis also owes scientifically valid and objective evidence...

What are the Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Reading?

There is no doubt that reading helps a lot on humanity’s intellectual, psychological, emotional, and even physical evolution. It is also one of the main reasons...

Is Abortion Pill Reversal Really Dangerous?

Abortion is a complex issue. This is because there are situations that would leave the woman traumatized if she continues to carry the baby...

Plastic Toy Companies, the Environment, and Children’s Mental Health

Have you ever notice how marketing strategies of plastic toys for children are aggressively attacking both the parent and the child? These environmental hazards, omnipresent nowadays, which...

Filipino Health Experts, Lawyers, and Business Sectors Appeal for Ivermectin Access

As more and more Filipinos from all walks of life are now expressing their hesitancy and sometimes hostility towards the vaccination scheme by the...

The Importance of Sleep in Creativity

Almost every adult in this world knows that a good night sleep is very important. It has a lot of health benefits, it can...

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) vs. Positive Childhood Experiences (PCE)

Since 1995, there has been study about the impacts of a person’s negative experiences in childhood. They call this Adverse Childhood Experiences or ACE. According the...

Health Professionals on Why the Lockdown Should End

It’s quite fascinating to hear about the hundreds of experts and professionals coming out right now to protest and speak out against the injustices...

Scientists and Doctors from Europe, US, and Asian Countries Petitioned to Stop Covid Vaccination

On May, 57 doctors, scientists, and public policy experts (names can be seen on the link below) petitioned for the immediate suspension of Covid19...

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