Sunday, May 5, 2024

How to Communicate Effectively and Have a Healthy Relationship

In many parts of the world, there are many dysfunctional families who never had a chance to live a life with healthy relationship. This...

Religious Leaders endorse COVID-19 Vaccines despite reports of Injuries and Deaths from VAERS

On December last year, Israeli health officials held a meeting with top rabbis of Bnei Brak, an ultra-Orthodox city, in an attempt get their...

Stoicism and Minimalism: The Parallels of Two Healing Philosophies

There is a growing movement today that is basically following “Western” philosophical tradition, specifically the Stoic philosophy, and for some, it is interesting to...

Dr. Shawn T. Smith, Jordan Peterson, Suzanne Venker, and Cassie Jaye on Feminism

As the American Psychological Association (APA) pathologizes some of the natural male psychological characteristics in their 2018 diagnostic guidelines, it also advances the feminist...

From Psychiatric Medications to Sex Re-assignments to Vaccines, Children are Being Systematically Drugged

The drugging of our children and youth is one of the most serious and urgent issues of our time. Whether we accept it or...

Hypergamy and the Coolidge Effect: Why People Need to Know About These Concepts

There is a theory in evolutionary psychology known as “evolved preferences theory”which suggests that when looking for a potential mate, “men usually choose physically attractive and...

Some Reasons Why Humans and Animals Practice Geophagia (Soil Eating)

The fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders of the DSM-IV classifies geophagia, the practice of eating dirt, as a...

Doctors and Experts Warn Parents about Gender Transitioning

“Many of us hope that this case will usher in a return to sanity, science, and medical ethics rooted in ‘first, do no harm.”...

Rational Minimalism; a Practical Way to Contentment Amidst Stressful Consumer Culture

Many of today’s people do not really ask themselves what really makes them happy. If you do not have the answer for this question,...

Updates on Transgender Politics, Medicine, and Science

Just recently, House Democrats in the US proposed a bill that would require house members to use “gender-neutral language” and prohibit the use of...

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