Friday, May 3, 2024

Police Officer Michael Seney Speaks Out Against Constitutional Rights Violation

With the growing people protesting and pushing back against the tyrannical lockdown and coronavirus policies, experts in medicine and sciences and people from the...

Religious Leaders endorse COVID-19 Vaccines despite reports of Injuries and Deaths from VAERS

On December last year, Israeli health officials held a meeting with top rabbis of Bnei Brak, an ultra-Orthodox city, in an attempt get their...

The Truth about #SaveTheChildren and Child Exploitation in Facebook and Twitter

Many social media users are currently disturbed by the censoring of #SavetheChilden by Facebook. Because of this, different speculations came out and some even...

How to Help the Millennial Generation

Millennial generation has been thought to be tough to manage as they feel entitled, more often narcissistic, self-interested, unfocused, lazy and confounding to leadership....

Why We Must Not Fear Death

Most of the people are afraid of death. This is normal especially for people who value life and their love ones so much. This is also...

Remembering Viktor Frankl and “Man’s Search for Meaning”

Naturally, most of us humans are pleasure-seeking creatures which does almost everything for the fulfillment of desires and sometimes, for purely “earthly or animalistic”...

The Beggars vs. the Givers of Happiness

As humans it is normal for all of us to desire attention, care, love, affection and support from others. As an individual living in a vast...

Identifying Society and Cultures (Knowledge and Peace)

As we attain higher knowledge and realizations on our self and our existence on this planet, we also start to get curious and question the world...

The Stoics and the Existentialists: Movement for Humanity

Throughout history, various philosophical movements existed in different parts of the world. It has been a monumental part of the legacy of humanity through...

Living in Solitude

Many people are afraid of solitude and think that being single will make them unhappy and lonely all the time. This is one of...

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