Saturday, May 4, 2024

Psychotherapy vs. Psychiatric Medication

A review of research studies led by Melba J. T. Vasquez, PhD of the American Psychological Associations (APA) concluded that “psychotherapy is effective (and)...

The Importance of Sociology

First established in Europe during the year 1895, sociology is a study of society, its varying cultures, and its pattern of social relationships or interactions. It helps...

Living in Solitude

Many people are afraid of solitude and think that being single will make them unhappy and lonely all the time. This is one of...

The Problems in the Fitness Industry; Why Influencers are Lying

According to a report by The Insider this February, steroid use in the fitness industry is so rampant, especially among influencers. This, apparently, is...

The Meaning of Love

As to what the norm is and how it is being accepted as socially common, the meaning of the word love is about two...

Rational Minimalism; a Practical Way to Contentment Amidst Stressful Consumer Culture

Many of today’s people do not really ask themselves what really makes them happy. If you do not have the answer for this question,...

The Purpose of Emotional Intelligence

Managing our emotions is a key to happier and more fulfilling life. It is an efficient way to navigate the world and our lives in a...

Health Benefits of Doing Breathing Exercises

Unknown to many, there are numerous ways to take control of our health. These methods are usually found in the ancient teachings of sage...

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