Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Alleged Cover Up by the Vatican of its Clerics’ Child Sexual Abuse Cases

Back in 2015, one of the Vatican officials named Gian Piero Milano released 50-page report showing child pornography materials in the Vatican City. Although...

Televangelist Kenneth Copeland Still Wants Tithes and Offerings amidst COVID-19 Crisis

The whole world is now affected by this issue of so-called COVID-19. Many major events have been canceled and many institutions have been shut...

Transmission from Asymptomatic Persons “Very Rare” According to WHO

A video has just surfaced a few days ago regarding the World Health Organization’s (WHO) complete turn-around about how COVID-19 really spreads and what...

Brisbane’s Archbishop Opposed the Bill Against Child Abuse

In Queensland, Australia, a bill to help the child victims of sexual abuse by forcing priests to report is being opposed by Brisbane Archbishop...

“No Mass Gathering” Policy Must Continue until Mass Vaccination is Given, According to Bill...

An advocate of population control and an abortion supporter Bill Gates is suggesting the government to continue the lock down and "no mass gathering"...

Erica Kasraie speaks the Truth About Iran and Soleimani

There has been a lot of opinion and information about the Iran-America conflict right now spreading in the internet and the media especially after...

Michigan Sheriff’s Statement about the Governor’s ‘Stay-at-Home’ Policy

A group of county sheriffs in Michigan were questioning the governor’s policy and sworn to handle the situation with compassion to people and “common...

Studies on the Negative Effects of Marijuana Abuse

As more and more states and countries, including Asia, are opening their doors to the undeniable health benefits of cannabis or marijuana, it is...

Did Putin Banned Bill Gates and the Microsoft Corporation in Russia?

According to a report from written by Derek Knauss on June 20, Russia has banned Bill Gates and his Microsoft Corporation in the...

Utah ICU Nurse Blows the Whistle about COVID-19

An ICU nurse who decided to commit civil disobedience to come out a report approached the independent media in Youtube namely Defending Utah Radio...

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