Home Health Doctor: Pfizer Manipulated the Data on COVID Vaccine for Babies

Doctor: Pfizer Manipulated the Data on COVID Vaccine for Babies


On June 17, 2022, a video by Dr. Clare Craig surfaced in the internet, exposing how Pfizer lied on their clinical data and manipulate results so they can get approval for emergency use authorization (EUA) from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for their COVID vaccine intended for 6 months to 4 years old children. Dr. Craig is a member of HART (Health Advisory & Recovery Team), a “not-for-profit, unincorporated membership association, where all consulting members collaborate on an entirely voluntary (unpaid) basis”. According to them, members of HART work by collaborating with different groups, communities, and institution in “providing relevant scientific evidence in accessible forms, for a variety of audiences”.  


Questioning the validity of Pfizer’s EUA for this vaccine, Dr. Clare Craig raises important points on the baseless approval by the FDA, given that according to their own data, 6 months old babies and children younger than 4 years old are not at risk from this alleged disease. Another thing is, Pfizer’s vaccine for other age groups also has been proven to be harmful; causing blood clots, cardiac arrests, severe skin infections, allergy, etc., and not really effective, As what she has stated:  

 “We have to ask how an ethics committee could have approved this trial in babies. Babies are not at risk from COVID and now we have Pfizer who are presenting this as evidence to the FDA in order to apply for an emergency use authorization (EUA).”

The EUA is only needed in a situation where there’s a serious risk of injury or death. In the context of COVID-19, vaccinating children who are under five cannot be scientifically justifiable. They are not at risk when it comes to COVID. Dr. Craig also emphasized that Pfizer “has to make up other ways of measuring the problem because there was no serious injury or death”, and that “parents should be demanding that the decision-makers should explain themselves”. 

 According to Dr. Craig, Pfizer involved 4,500 children but 3,000 of them, about two-thirds, did not make it through the end of the trial for different reasons. However, Pfizer claims that this vaccine intended for 6 months to 4 years old are effective; brushing off so much data showing otherwise. As Dr. Craig explained:

 “…they’re claiming these vaccines work on the basis of 3 COVID cases versus 7, a difference of 4 children only, and all of these on the backdrop of a disease which doesn’t affect children and with no long-term safety data.”

Dr. Craig also added that Pfizer “utterly twist the data” in which “they defined severe COVID as children who had a slightly raised heart rate or a few more breathes per minute”. Pfizer also claims that its vaccine is effective in the reduction of transmission while on the other hand, different institutions, including the World Health Organization (WHO), have previously admitted that it isn’t the case. As an example, the doctor explained: 

 “They vaccinated the children and they waited three weeks after the first dose before the second dose. In that three-week period, 34 of the vaccinated children got COVID and only 13 in the placebo group, which worked out as a 30% increased chance of catching COVID in that three-week period if you were vaccinated. So they ignored that data. And then there was an 8-week gap between the second dose and the third dose where again, children were getting plenty of COVID in the vaccine arms. So they ignored that data.

There was then several weeks after the third dose which they also ignored, which meant that in the end they had ignored 97% of the COVID that occurred during the trial and they just looked at the tiny numbers, so tiny. In the end, they were comparing 3 children in the vaccine arm with COVID with 7 in the placebo arm and they said that this showed the vaccine was effective. 

So they measured how many of these children actually managed to catch COVID twice in the two-month follow-up period. And there were 12 children who had COVID twice and all but one of them were vaccinated, mostly with 3 doses. So you have to wonder what on earth they are thinking when the claim of reduction of COVID was only four children and here we have 12 children, who got COVID twice, eleven of them vaccinated.” 

Meanwhile, on the FDA’s notice for this approval published June 17, 2022, the agency revealed: 

 “The most commonly reported side effects in the clinical trial participants for both the 6 through 11 age group and the 12 through 17 age group who received the vaccine include, pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, underarm swollen lymph nodes in the same arm as the injection, nausea and vomiting and fever.”

Watch the short video by Dr. Clare Craig here:



