Home Health The Studies on Laughter vs. Negative Emotions

The Studies on Laughter vs. Negative Emotions


According to studies, laughter brings a lot of positive health effects and it can provide so much therapy to people. Because of its amazing benefits, experts conclude that laughter should be considered very important in managing health problems of all sorts. Another wonderful thing about this is that laughter can be practiced for free; one does not have to pay an amount just to enjoy its impact on health or healing. Laughter was proven to help relieve pain and even boost immunity. Because of this, many organizations and institutions support and allow laughter therapy through comedy and other kinds of media. The sad thing is that most people are not aware of this and just take laughter for granted.


“Your body cannot heal without play. Your mind cannot heal without laughter. Your soul cannot heal without joy.” – Catherine Ripperger Fenwick

Science showed us that our emotions play a very significant role on our physical health. This is why people avoid poor emotions and find ways to amuse themselves. Poor emotions mean those emotions which cause unpleasant sensations to our body and uncomfortable ideations on our thoughts and, those which make us sick. So instinctively, we turn to find fun and happiness in different things or aspects of our existence. Big or small, these things are essential psychological needs to us as they keep our mind healthy and our body as well by helping to boost our so-called immune system. This is why from childhood to adulthood, our brain is naturally wired to constantly look for fun, happiness, and laughter; these ancient neuro signals are no doubt integral to our being.

According to DeepH:

“Scientists don’t yet fully understand the biological mechanisms at work, but they know that negative feelings like stress, sadness, and worry can cause a spike in the body’s production of the hormone cortisol, which suppresses the immune system. Depression, pessimism and apathy affect our health in several ways. ‘Low mood is linked to low levels of serotonin and dopamine, the feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain,’ says London GP Dr Jane Flemming. ‘Serotonin plays a role in regulating pain perception and could be the reason why 45% of patients with depression also suffer aches and pains.

DeepH also continued by stating the importance of processing these negative emotions. They suggest that if these negative emotions are unexpressed in whatever proper ways, they will manifest into further health problems. According to them:

“Suppressing your emotions is not good for your mental or physical health. It’s like pressing on the accelerator and brakes at the same time, creating an internal pressure cooker. Emotional stress from suppressed emotions has been linked to mental illness and physical problems like heart disease, intestinal problems, headaches, insomnia and autoimmune disorders.”

This also explains why sometimes if we experience negative things or we hear negative words directed at us, we usually feel bad, lack energy, and demotivated; not interested to do our tasks or participate in our daily routine or any kinds of things that provide fulfillment to our motivations and desires, either short term or long term. Unfortunately, some people result to binging or even substance addiction to divert their emotions and to deal with the unpleasant feelings. This easily happens to people who are highly prone to depression. And if these poor emotional experiences become chronic, they can contribute to serious health deterioration and eventually result in sickness.

According to a statement by the University of Minnesota:

“Poorly-managed negative emotions are not good for your health. Negative attitudes and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness can create chronic stress, which upsets the body’s hormone balance, depletes the brain chemicals required for happiness, and damages the immune system. Chronic stress can actually decrease our lifespan. Science has now identified that stress shortens our telomeres, the “end caps” of our DNA strands, which causes us to age more quickly. Poorly managed or repressed anger (hostility) is also related to a slew of health conditions, such as hypertension (high blood pressure), cardiovascular disease, digestive disorders, and infection.”

On the contrary, we can help counter these poor emotions with laughter. By channeling our thoughts to amusing and funny things or experiences, especially positive ones, we can consciously assist our body in reducing stress hormone levels, improving cardiac health, triggering the release of good neurotransmitters such as endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers, and boosts our T-cells. Experts from around the world have proven again and again that positive thinking and a great outlook on life are also part of the fighting agents against diseases. By having this positive psychology, coupled with a healthy diet and a constant good sense of feeling and laughter, our immune system will always be strong and up to fight diseases.

“Laughter serves as a blocking agent. Like a bulletproof vest, it may help protect you against the ravages of negative emotions that can assault you in disease.” – Norman Cousins

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