Home Health Hospital Fatalities Due to Protocols and Forced Vaccination in the Philippines

Hospital Fatalities Due to Protocols and Forced Vaccination in the Philippines

Doctor wheeling patient

When you try to observe in social media, you will see that there are now many Filipinos complaining and ranting about the current government actions in relation to the global medical scam that’s happening right now. Not only are Filipinos upset about the government’s scheme but also to doctors and hospitals as well because of the medical protocols that are being imposed by the establishment to the patients and the people who are trying to avail medical services. In many parts of the country, most hospitals won’t attend to patients without doing the COVID-19 protocols first. Obviously, this will be another financial burden for patients as the laboratories charge around 2,800 Php to 3,300 Php per test. Therefore because of this very dangerous policy, many people die unattended. And because of this inhumane treatment by the health workers, people are now avoiding hospitals and distrusting doctors.  


On the ground level, you will also hear so many unfortunate stories and anecdotal testimonies regarding how people are being treated once they’re accepted in hospitals. When you are hospitalized, especially when you are (mis)diagnosed with “severe COVID”, and especially when you have health insurance (PhilHealth), there’s a big chance that you’ll suffer an untimely death. The reason for this, according to many people who used to be hospitalized or have patients, is because doctors and hospitals, through PhilHealth, can collect thousands of money from patients who’ll be tagged with “COVID death”. We cannot describe specifically how this happens but we know through the statements of experts and doctors, like Dr. Bryan Ardis, that the standard hospital protocol itself is one of the reasons why people die. This is because drugs like remdesivir and others that are being prescribed for so-called “COVID patients” are killing them through kidney, liver, and multiple organ failure until the person succumbs to pulmonary edema. This cause of death, however, is being mistakenly thought (or deliberately labeled?) as “COVID pneumonia”.

When it comes to the vaccination program, some Filipinos are now being forced by the local government unit to get the jab. It means people are being required against their will to take the vaccine regardless of their knowledge about the adverse effects, their inalienable rights over their own body, or regardless if it is not legal according to the vaccination bill of the country (RA 11525). The coercion, according to some complaints, is being done by threatening people with arrests, limiting their movement, locking down the barangay, denying access to groceries and other essentials, and even withholding government support. If they don’t take the shots, they cannot do those things mentioned above or they cannot even go outside their houses. Although this is not yet happening in the whole country, still it sounds very alarming and should be confronted and stopped as soon as possible. If necessary, the government officials who give this kind of order should also be put in prison for a serious criminal act against its constituents.  

Similarly in the Southern part, Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte, the daughter of the current president of the country, has ordered all the government workers of Davao City to get vaccinated before the year ends or else they will not be given another contract for the next year’s employment. Consequently, this mandate worries many workers who are currently working for the government, especially those who are aware that vaccines are very dangerous as they may cause serious side effects such as urticaria, angioedema, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, heart failure, liver failure, respiratory failure, Bell’s palsy, paralysis, and even death. As reported by Nicanor Perlas, the consultant on Integral Sustainable Development in the Philippines who is also a long-time activist exposing medical, scientific, and government corruption:  

“According to recent scientific hearings of the US FDA last 17 September 2021, the vaccines are killing more people than they are saving. In the Philippines, DOH data, properly analyzed, is already revealing that we have more cases and deaths happening shortly after mass vaccination starting March 01, 2021. The same pattern is true in many countries around the world: mass vaccination is followed by increased cases and deaths FROM THE VACCINATED.”
