Home News Suspected drug lord Kerwin Espinosa has been removed from the DOJ’s WPP

Suspected drug lord Kerwin Espinosa has been removed from the DOJ’s WPP


Suspected drug lord Kerwin Espinosa is no longer in the Witness Protection, Security and Benefit Program (WPSBP) of the Department of Justice (DOJ) due to his alleged violations while in the custody of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).


He is detained by the NBI in Espinosa for criminal charges related to illegal drugs cases that are still pending in the courts of Manila and Leyte.

The DOJ’s decision was personally communicated to Guevarra by Secretary Menardo Guevarra.

You are hereby given notice of the termination of your coverage under the Witness Protection, Security and Benefit Program (WPSBP), upon the recommendation of OIC Deputy Director Atty. Eleanor Rachel M. Angeles, National Bureau of Investigation, effective immediately, in view of your continued commitment of various violations inside the detention facility…. ” the part of the notice sent to Espinosa.

“Accordingly, the termination of your coverage carries the accessory coverage of your wife and dependents,” according to the said notice.

According to the DOJ notice, Espinosa’s violations included harassment of other inmates, smggling activities, drinking alcohol, violating curfew hours, wandering around other inmates’ cells despite being warned to do so. communicating with inmates with cases or violations of Republic Act 9165 (Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002); and possession of prohibited items, such as mobile phones and knives.

He said this is in addition to Espinosa’s attempt to flee last January 13 in violation of the Memorandum of Agreement stated in the WPSBP, ”said Guevarra.

It may be recalled that after Espino’s escape attempt was foiled, NBI Officer-in-Charge Eric Distor immediately requested the DOJ to transfer him to the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) in Taguig City.