Home Health Emotional Management; Healthy Skepticism

Emotional Management; Healthy Skepticism


The Other Side of Emotion

In this world, it is common that people trust their feelings more often than their critical and analytical mind. It is seems like the majority of the people do not give enough attention and examination on their thoughts and actions but rather allow their subconscious to dictate their choices as if these are not fallible and distorted. Trusting our feelings is not a bad thing, but trusting it alone without using our proper awareness and cognition is always a mistake as we all know that first impressions are usually not real and that things usually appear to us in a very different or opposite and unexpected ways or manner in the long run. As what we can see in our age today, being too emotional can never really give us a positive outlook and satisfaction in life as this will only blind us from having a clear sense of purpose and effective intellectual capabilities.


Why manage your emotions?

The influences of our emotions to our decisions in life are often misunderstood. It is often overlooked and underestimated as if they cannot possibly produce serious errors and consequences on our lives. This is the reason why there are different kinds of self-improving programs such as anger management and other re-programming efforts for the individuals to become self-conscious and more responsible to others and especially to themselves. Having a proper awareness about our thoughts and feelings, we can be conscious about our moods and how to handle them and use them for us to become more resilient and creative. We should not let this temporary emotions negatively affect us in perceiving and interacting with the world for our actions. We must always remember that most moods are indeterminable therefore should not be the motivation to push you on a certain direction or decision. If we don’t manage them efficiently, our moods will mislead us and distract us from our self-focus; our moods can really control us very effectively and the next thing we know is that we are already in a mess or stuck in a very nonsense situations that steal our precious time and energy.

What is emotional skepticism?

Now that we are already aware of the misleading power of our emotions, especially when over-sensationalized, what can we do to have a healthy and well-balanced judgements on our daily lives? Can we be more cautious and be more efficient in moderating our impulses and other irrationalities by being a skeptic to our feelings? Actually, the answer is yes! Having this kind of mind set teaches us to re-evaluate and never rush our decisions; to suspend our judgements and think rationally. Being sceptical to our excitements and beautiful and tempting impressions on things or circumstances can really help bring us to genuine truth and contentment. This is why not listening to our feelings is sometimes very important for us to make a good choice. Throughout history, thinkers, scientists, and artists have taught us about this such as the philosophical movement called Skepticism who enlightened us about the undependability of our emotions; that “our feelings should be well-thought about and given enough effort for rational thinking so that we don’t misunderstand reality”. So the question is, when are we going to take this wonderful wisdom seriously?  


Featured Photo: thenextidea.org/blogs/the-psychology-of-web-design-affects-your-visitors-mood