Home Announcements Tagle declares May 20-31 days of prayer, fasting

Tagle declares May 20-31 days of prayer, fasting


MANILA — Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle has declared May 20 to 31 as days of prayer, fasting and action for truth and common good, noting that the country needs “the mighty wind and fire of the Spirit truth and love.”


In a circular letter, the head of the Archdiocese of Manila ordered the ringing of church bells at 3 p.m. to commemorate Jesus’ death.

Tagle also asked the faithful to pray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy in parish churches, chapels, convents, schools, homes, and offices.

“We accompany our prayer with fasting. Through fasting we redirect our focus from ourselves and our groups to the community,” he said.

On the other hand, the cardinal noted that for the faithful who cannot fast due to sickness or age, they may conduct charity works and provide service.

He called on parishes, convents and schools to organize “feasts of truth and love” during the 12-day period.

The period also includes activities that promote charity and reconciliation and also to hold forums on the Constitution, Charter change, and federalism. (PNA)

By Ferdinand Patinio
