Home Celebrity Php 1B Libel Case Against Enchong Dee

Php 1B Libel Case Against Enchong Dee


Congresswoman Claudine Diana Bautista-Lim, party-list representative of Drivers United for Mass Progress and Equal Rights or DUMPER, filed a libel case against Enchong Dee at the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor in Davao Occidental.


The said legal case was in reference of Enchong Dee’s “malicious” and “defamatory” statements against her in social media after her wedding with the businessman Jose French Lim last February 20, 2021 in Balesin.

Based on Claudine complaint, “Enchong went as far as saying that I used public coffers to fund my wedding by categorically saying that ‘The money for commuters and drivers went to her wedding’, to the detriment and injury to my honor and name…”

“The posts were meant nothing more than their malicious intentions of maligning my person, depicting me as a corrupt public official,” she added.

Claudine is asking for Php 500 million for moral damages and another Php 500 million for exemplary damages a total of Php 1 billion.

Enchong Dee had a public apology before but Claudine said it wasn’t enough.

“He was not sorry to me and for the damage that he has done. He just wants to deflect, albeit unsuccessfully, this criminal charge against him…”

“This does not do any good for him. It only bolstered and magnified his admission of guilt beyond reasonable doubt for his un-provoked and baseless libelous remarks.”

As of today, Enchong Dee doesn’t have any comments on the said case filed against him.